Welcome to Real Guy Fake Guy. If you've never played this silly game, it's simple. I list a bunch of names some of which are real people and others that I pulled out my ASS. Your mission is to identify the real from the fake. We'll start out with 10 names. Just write down or post who you think is real and who is fake. There's no set rules on how many real/fakes are on each list. There could be 8 reals and 2 fakes or 3 fakes and 7 reals. I won't list all the permutations or we'll be here forever. No googling allowed you are all on the honor system!
Here we go
1) Paris Woodfeet
2) Vegas Davis
3) Retinal Santa
4) Marronzo Williams
5) Osiris Eldridge
6) Abraham Lincoln
7) Picasso Simmons
8) Juice Newton
9) Trevor Pancake
10) Nacho Albergamo
For answers click here
Challenge your friends :)