Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Pillows get cranky if they don't get to play real guy fake guy everyday.  And there's nothing worse than a pissed off pillow!

  1. Coy Bacon
  2. Trout Lindsey
  3. Lonzelle Tonzell
  4. Custer McThay
  5. Gertavian Blake
  6. Spindle Fibers
  7. Wedge Bailey
  8. Jazmonn Major
  9. Jemo King
  10. Reliance Pettibone
 For answers to the above quiz click here


  1. I'm gonna cry into my pillow since I did so badly on that last one!

    1,2,3,5,8,10 = REAL

  2. Haha it's cool Midori, RGFG can be a tough cookie. Plus the blame falls squarely on the misguided parents who decided to name their kid Craphonso!
